Frequently Asked Questions

Although snoring is frequently associated with sleep apnea, the condition is not always present when snoring occurs.

On the other hand, snoring could indicate that the throat tissue is obstructing the airways, particularly if the person has certain lifestyle characteristics linked to sleep apnea. Thankfully, there is no difference in treatment for sleep apnea and snoring. By widening the airway, a customized mouth appliance can stop snoring and apnea episodes. These mouthpieces are soft and easy to use. Make an appointment for a consultation with Toronto, Canada’s sleep apnea expert, Dr. Judy Sturm.

We discuss different sleep apnea treatments in our sleep apnea clinic and provide you with the best sleep apnea mouth guard. To keep the airway open, these devices work by gradually moving the lower jaw forward. It is important to remember that people of any age can develop sleep apnea.

Although it is frequently associated with sleep apnea, snoring is not always a surefire sign. To ascertain whether apnea is present, a sleep study is essential. Our sleep apnea clinic offers take-home sleep study equipment to detect apnea episodes while you sleep. The device is used and then brought back to our office so that the data can be analyzed. If snoring is causing a person’s quality of life to be negatively impacted or if sleep apnea is found, we will recommend the best course of action.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can affect people of any age or gender, and its etiology varies from person to person. Among the most common risk factors are:

  • Age: Being older than forty years.
  • Neck Size: Being large-necked, measured at more than 17 inches for men and 16 inches for women.
  • Weight: Being overweight is a condition that affects about half of OSA patients.
  • Gender: Men are more likely than women to have OSA.
  • Anatomical Factors: Possessing a tiny jaw or a large tongue.
  • Tonsils And Adenoids: Enlarged adenoids and tonsils, especially in children.
  • Substance Use: Drinking alcohol or using sedatives can cause the airway muscles to relax.
  • Nasal Obstruction: Nasal blockages can result from ailments like a deviated septum, sinus issues, and allergy problems.

Even though CPAP is a successful treatment for sleep apnea, many users find it difficult to comply with its noisy, unwieldy machine and uncomfortable mask.

On the other hand, a dental orthotic is a well-liked substitute for CPAP. This device offers similar treatment efficacy without the discomfort associated with CPAP machines, but it is lighter, smaller, and more comfortable.

We will use the dental orthotic during a follow-up sleep study to evaluate its efficacy. Consulting with a specialist in sleep medicine will be necessary for the interpretation of the collected data.

Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to determine whether your insurance provider covers the oral appliance due to the wide variety of insurance policies. In the event that coverage is not available for any reason, we will let you know and work with you to create a financing plan if necessary.

Medical insurance companies usually cover dental appliances if they are available. It is crucial to remember that obstructive sleep apnea treatment is frequently not covered by dental insurance.

Due to their greatly improved quality of life, patients at our sleep apnea center frequently state that the cost of treating their sleep apnea was worthwhile.

We recognize that receiving healthcare services can be a concern if you do not have insurance. We provide options at our facility for people who do not have insurance. In order to make sure you can still afford the care you need for sleep apnea treatment, Dr. Judy Sturm is dedicated to working with you to look into financing options and reasonable solutions. During your consultation, please feel free to discuss your situation with our staff. We will try our best to meet your needs and give you the care you need.

The majority of patients usually adjust to the orthotic in five to ten days. You should adjust to sleeping with a device in your mouth for a few days at first. It is crucial to remember that the orthotic is made to protect your teeth. After the first use, we can easily make any necessary adjustments to ensure your comfort.

Made of incredibly durable hard acrylic, dental orthotics normally require replacement every three to five years, depending on wear and tear. Teeth-grinding patients may need more frequent adjustments or replacements.

Your orthotic use will likely be a lifelong treatment since obstructive sleep apnea is not likely to get better with age. However, certain health gains—like a considerable reduction in weight—may help your condition as a whole.

It is vital to remember that although it is possible to buy over-the-counter treatments for sleep apnea, the FDA has not approved these. Inadequate placement can also result in unfavorable side effects like jaw pain or excessive tooth movement.